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Core mobile Rust library. For FFI, see mopro-ffi which is a thin wrapper for exposing UniFFI bindings around this library.




Run cargo run --example circom. Also see examples/circom/ for more information.

Build dylib

Experimental support.

Turns .wasm file into a dynamic library (.dylib).


cargo build --features dylib

After that you'll see location of the dylib file:

warning: Building dylib for aarch64-apple-darwin
warning: Dylib location: /Users/user/repos/

Right now this is hardcoded for rsa.

Note that:

  • It has to be built for the right architecture
  • Have to run install_name_tool to adjust install name
  • Run codesign to sign dylib for use on iOS


  • Add third argument dylib
  • Add forth argument with name of dylib, e.g. rsa if you want rsa.dylib

./scripts/ device release dylib rsa

Note that APPLE_SIGNING_IDENTITY must be set.

To use ark-zkey

Experimental support for significantly faster zkey loading. See ../ark-zkey README for how to build arkzkey.

To run msm benchmark report on laptop

cargo run --release --features gpu-benchmarks --package mopro-core --bin generate_benchmark_report

The report will be in mopro-core/benchmarks/gpu_explorations/msm_bench_rust_laptop.csv.

To use circom-witness-rs (Experimental)

  • Set
    use_native_witness_generation = true
    in config.toml file
  • Or build witness with
    WITNESS_CPP=<CIRCOM_PATH> cargo build --features build-native-witness --release
    Test with
    cargo test --features calc-native-witness